
WattzOn is a free web-based online tool created by Saul Griffith and Raffi Krikorian. It allows users to calculate their total energy footprint by estimating their direct and indirect power consumption with the stated goal of educating users about energy efficiency and conservation. It's notable, because unlike most carbon calculators it measures energy consumption, and not the by-products (CO2, or CO2 equivalent emissions) and because it aggregates information into a holistic view of energy consumption allowing users to see the energy used in their driving compared to their eating, for example. This brilliant website has an Embodied Energy Database, which helps users know just how much power is held within commonly consumed objects, populated with data from its own users. The embodied energy calculations are based on averages meant to get people interested about the subject and are a good starting point to start the discussion, compare your own energy consuption with that of your friends and other users. When people pay attention to their energy consumption they save energy and, inevitably, money.